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WhatsApp Plus JiMODs (JTWhatsApp) 8.35 APK

WhatsApp Plus JiMODs (JTWhatsApp) 8.35 APK
WhatsApp Plus JiMODs (JTWhatsApp) 8.35 APK

WhatsApp Plus JiMODs (JTWhatsApp) 8.35 APK: WhatsApp Plus JiMODs is one of the WhatsApp MODs that, by its own merits and without making much noise, has gradually made a name for itself in this world. It allows you to customize WhatsApp to the maximum.

What is WhatsApp Plus JiMODs?

WhatsApp Plus JiMODs Jimtechs Editions is a modification of the official WhatsApp application that has an anti-ban module and is free. It is only available for Android.

The application has all the standard functions available in normal WhatsApp, such as operation under all types of networks (2G, 3G, 4G, EDGE or WiFi), allowing sending and receiving messages and calls from friends and family at no cost , send photos, videos, documents, messages

Features of WhatsApp Plus JiMODs

  • Very colorful: you can customize it by changing colors, sizes and many other things.
  • Upload of extra size files: you can increase the limit of multimedia files (16 MB as standard) you can send larger music and video files.
  • Extra image quality: the image quality does not suffer with the shipment (in the original WhatsApp it drops).
  • Ad-free: no ads the same as the original WhatsApp.
  • Easy to share: you can share music with one click.
  • Partial copy / paste: you can select a part you want to copy from the text and send it to whoever you want.
  • View states: You can view a state directly from the chat screen you are chatting on.
  • Hide profile picture: You can hide profile pictures and show pictures from phone book (on chat screen).
  • Loading of themes: it has a built-in theme viewer with download. Search for topics online and apply the one you want.

Information about the mod

  1. App Name WhatsApp Plus JiMODs
  2. Version 8.35
  3. Developer Jim
  4. Size 33 MB
  5. Top of WhatsApp App Mod
  6. Last update June 1, 2020

Download JiMODs (JTWhatsApp) APK for Android

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