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How to earn $ 556 per month on buysellads website | The best alternative to Adsense

How to earn $ 556 per month on buysellads website | The best alternative to Adsense

In this post, How to earn $ 556 per month on buysellads website and we present to you the best alternative to Google Adsense for the year 2020, which is the pioneering company in the field of advertising, buysellads company that accepts new blogger blogs and enjoys a high return on profit from the Internet through blogging.

If you own your own website or blog and your website is refused admission to Google Adsense, or if you suffer from a decrease in profits from advertising returns, you should try advertising buysellads company, Adsense alternative is the best ever to profit from the Internet by placing ads inside the sites Electronic and profit from the visits that see the advertisement
Buysellads is a Google Adsense-like advertising company that earns high returns for every 1000 ad impressions
The company relies on its advertisements on fixed banner ads that rely on cookies to know the interests of visitors in order to display advertisements related to them, which increases the profits in its ads
The distinctive thing about buysellads is that it recently added a new technology that is used for the first time in an advertising company, which is selling advertising space for a fixed amount of money, whatever the number of daily visits has increased or decreased, the profit from the website will be with a specific and fixed number until the contract with the webmaster ends Advance
Since there are two types of advertising in the company, when an advertiser comes and wants to display a specific advertisement, the company allows him to have two types of advertisement
The first type is through traditional advertisements on the sites, and the second type is the purchase of ad space on specific sites that are paid a fixed amount monthly by the webmaster (which is you).
This would make sure that profits and visits are not tracked to see how much you won every day, because the company will pay you the profits as if you were receiving a fixed monthly salary
The method of registration in the company buysellads differs from the rest of the other companies, as you will enter the official website of the company and find the registration link at the bottom of the post.
After that you open a new account in the company and put the email and your full name and the link to your website and click on Register
After that, a message will appear to you saying (We will contact you within days after reviewing your website)
A few days later, you will receive a letter from the company's management and give you a code, and ask you to put it on your website under the HEAD section in order to make sure that you are the owner of the website

After that you will send the password to enter your control panel, and thus you will generate the advertising codes that suit you and put them in the place where you want to place the advertisement
And now we leave you with this video, in which we explain in detail how to profit from the Internet through this wonderful advertising company, and you find the link to register in the company below the video
You can enter the advertising section via auctions and offer your offer to sell advertising space on your website to receive a monthly salary for the purchase of this advertising space by advertisers, and that the buysellads company is the guarantor and it is the one who receives the profits from the advertiser and sends them to you in exchange for displaying ads
Here we finish the explanation, we hope to be successful in that

To register for buysellads company
Alternative Adsense Ads:

موضوع : How to earn $ 556 per month on buysellads website | The best alternative to Adsense
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القسم: عنوان الخبر: How to earn $ 556 per month on buysellads website | The best alternative to Adsenseالمصدر: صبايا فيسبوك

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